Learn how to make potato gnocchi from scratch in Italy

A unique true and authentic experience

Learn how to make potato gnocchi from scratch in Italy like a pro.

2 hours hands on class.

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Gnocchi class in Italy
Gnocchi class in Italy

Gnocchi (also know as ‘gnocchi di patate’ in Italian, in Italian language “gnocchi” is lumps )  is a type of dumplings of Italian Cuisine,  often categorised as a fresh pasta type.

They are small hand-rolled potato shell – made with a potato and flour dough.

Origin: Northern Italy – Veneto region.

The potato dumplings will be pressed with a cheese grater (parmigiano grater) to make into little lovely shells.

Gnocchi are usually eaten as a primo piatto (first course).

You will make by hand the potato gnocchi dough. Long potato snakes are rolled by hand on the wooden board from pieces of the dough.

Gnocchi class in Italy
Gnocchi from scratch in Italy

These long cylinders are cut into three cm lengths. With the back of a parmigiano grater (grattugia), each piece of dough is drawn across the grater, leaving it with an special indentation.

Gnocchi Class in Italy
Gnocchi by hand

The instructor – chef will show you how to shape the gnocchi by hand, one by one.

Gnocchi Class in Italy
Gnocchi Class in Italy



  • Potato and flour dough by shaped by hand with a old style parmesan grater;
  • Homemade Potato Gnocchi with a Marinara Tomato and Basil Sauce or Bolognese sauce Ragù or with Sausage and Tomato Sauce or 4 cheeses Sauce or Butter, Sage, and Parmigiano sauce or another sauce on demand.
Gnocchi class in Italy
Gnocchi al Ragù

LOCATION: PADUA PADOVA – Veneto region – Northern Italy


DIFFICULTY: Intermediate to Advanced

GNOCCHI CLASS TAGS: Dumpling lovers, Foodie Lovers, Travelers, For Couples, Slow Food, Farm to Table, Great for Families with Kids, Foundational Learning, Pasta Making, (also Vegetarian or Vegan), Meal Prep, Comfort Food, Foodie Lovers, Travelers, For Couples.

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